Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Twitter reflection

I had a good experience with twitter. I had signed up for a Twitter account before, but I had only tweeted one time. I did not understand how it worked, and it seemed confusing to me. I did not understand what a hashtag was for. I also was not following many people. The people that I was following was people that my little cousin put on there. She knew more about Twitter at the age of 10 than I did. While I think that children are accustomed to Twitter, I do not believe that I would use it in my classroom. I am an Early Childhood major and my students are young. They do not use things like Twitter. I also would not want to use Twitter for teaching unless I knew that all students had access to computers.

When I logged into my Twitter account for this class, I browsed around a little more. I found educators and I began to follow them. I learned that I could click on the hashtag and see what other people had said regarding that subject. I could click our class hashtag and see what other people in the class had said. I could also click other educator's hashtags and read what they said about a subject. I do think that Twitter would be useful in upper grades. Students researching projects could locate information from hashtags. They class could also have it's own hashtag like we did in out class. All members of the class could keep up with one another.

I enjoyed following @coolcatteacher. She posts many interesting things as well as links to other educator's blogs. I read things under #earlychildhood many times. This is my area in education and I was able to find many things by using this hashtag. @_andybryant tweets grammar help. It was very useful for me. I am glad that I got to experience this time with Twitter. I have since began following more people and not just educators. If I ever have the opportunity to teach in an upper grade classroom, I would consider incorporating Twitter into the class.

1 comment:

  1. Camille, I never thought about students using the hashtags to do research. I can see the benefits for older students. I have enjoyed your blogs and the class. I've learned a lot!
